Bitcoen Jewish Cryptocurrency

The Rise of Cryptocurrencies in the Jewish Community

WEB: Chabad's Acceptance of Cryptocurrencies

Chabad, a global Jewish movement, began accepting cryptocurrencies in 2013. They have also been exploring the theological question of whether cryptocurrencies are considered a legitimate form of money in Judaism.

WEB: Bitcoen: A Jewish-Focused Cryptocurrency

Bitcoen is the world's first cryptocurrency specifically designed for the Jewish community. Set to launch in early October, Bitcoen will be closely based on Bitcoin.

WEB: "Bitcoin Rabbi" Fosters Jewish-Cryptocurrency Connection

Michael Caras, known on Twitter as the "Bitcoin Rabbi," serves as a bridge between the Jewish and cryptocurrency communities. He provides religious and financial guidance on the use of cryptocurrencies.

WEB: Kosher Cryptocurrency with Interest-Free Jewish Loans

Bitcoen is being called "kosher" due to its stated commitment to donate 10% of its profits to interest-free loans for members of the Jewish community.

WEB: Twitter's Cryptocurrency Thought Leader Stands Out

Many of Twitter's cryptocurrency enthusiasts are known for their controversial views. However, one thought leader, identified as a Russian serial entrepreneur, has gained a reputation for his measured and insightful perspective.

WEB: Bitcoin Donations to Jewish Charities

Jewish charities are now offering the option to donate using Bitcoin. This provides a convenient and accessible way for supporters to contribute.

WEB: Bitcoen: The First International Jewish Cryptocurrency

A Russian entrepreneur is launching Bitcoen, the first international cryptocurrency targeted towards Jewish communities worldwide.

WEB: Jewish National Fund-USA Accepts Cryptocurrency Donations

The Jewish National Fund-USA, a charity with a long history in Zionism, now accepts cryptocurrency donations, including Bitcoin and others.

WEB: Crypto-Jews and Cryptocurrency

Crypto-Jews, who have historically practiced Judaism in secret, may see cryptocurrencies as a way to maintain financial anonymity and connect with their community.

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